

À propos


Conçu en 2019 par des étudiants de l’ENSA d’Agadir, Traders & Analysts Club a pour vocation de créer des liens entre le monde estudiantin et celui de la finance, en proposant plusieurs activités à ses adhérents qui leurs permettront d’accumuler des expériences riches et innovantes. Le club relève le défi de créer un network solide qui réunit les étudiants et les professionnels de la finance en favorisant la rencontre et l’échange, et ainsi mettre en place des partenariats avec des clubs et des associations actifs à l’échelle nationale et internationale.


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DataCamp Donates Empowers Future Traders and Analysts.

Introduction: Traders and Analysts Club is a student organization focused on the intersection of finance and engineering. Our goal is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to build successful careers. To support our members, we have renewed our partnership with DataCamp Donates, which provides free DataCamp scholarships to disadvantaged students to assist them on their journeys to becoming professional, accomplished traders and analysts.

Opportunities for Student’s Growth: Traders and Analysts Club welcomes all students interested in finance and engineering. Recognizing the need for skill enhancement, we have collaborated with DataCamp Donates to offer specialized courses. The DataCamp platform provides a wide range of beginner to advanced courses, catering to individual learning needs.

Success Stories: We are delighted to share success stories of club members who have benefitted from the DataCamp payment program. For instance, Saadia, a financially savvy student, writes: "I am immensely grateful to DataCamp Donates for the subscriptions aiding Traders & Analysts Club members in enhancing their competencies in cutting-edge areas of data science and programming skills. Personally, the tremendous support provided by DataCamp throughout my study projects has been invaluable. DataCamp offers comprehensive courses and resources that bolstered my skills and knowledge in data science, allowing meto stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field. Thanks to DataCamp Donates, I excelled and made a significant impact during my internships, setting a strong foundation for my future endeavors." Similarly, Hiba, an engineering student, says: "DataCamp's data science courses were the perfect springboard for my end-of-year project. The platform's interactive approach and focus on hands-on learning were instrumental in building my skills and fueling my interest in this fascinating field".

Skill-Building Practices: Through DataCamp's interactive platform, students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios in projects, perform statistical analysis, and gain insights into market trends. This practical experience bridges the gap between theory and practice, preparing members for challenges they may face in their careers.

Personalized Learning Experience: The DataCamp curriculum offers a unique learning experience for club members. The content is presented in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible even to non-native English speakers. Interactive exercises and hands-on activities enhance student learning, supporting data analysis, statistics, and fundamental concepts. With a wide range of courses related to financial decisions and their implications, students can focus on their areas of interest.

Conclusion: The Traders & Analysts Club is grateful for the support and partnership provided by the DataCamp Donates program. By granting our students access to high-quality data analysis and statistics courses, DataCamp has played a crucial role in preparing our members for success in the dynamic fields of finance and decision-making. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with DataCamp, empowering future generations of traders and analysts with practical skills that complement their academic studies and will need to dream careers.

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Nos Activités


Renforcement des relations entre les étudiants et les acteurs du monde de la finance, des événements enrichissants tout au long de l’année.


Des personnalités du secteur financier sont invitées pour parler de leur expérience et discuter les enjeux et la complexité du monde de la finance.

Formations continues

Formations assurées sous l’encadrement des professionnels de la finance et de l’informatique appliquée.

Revue hebdomadaire

Les membres forment des cellules pour rédiger une revue chaque semaine, ce qui consolide le travail en équipe et développe le sens d’analyse chez eux.

Tac notion

Un intérêt au partage des notions financières auprès d’un grand public, tout en fournissant un bagage technique important aux membres.

Tables rondes

Un sujet sur les thématiques financières est choisi pour être discuté entre les membres du club afin de renforcer les échanges entre eux.

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